2024-2025 Training Update


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Updated: 21 May 2024 – expect more updates in 2-4 weeks Calendar Showing Available Seats The most reliable place to see available class dates and seats for Wet Rocks classes is here. Feel free to email us to add a class as well! Update on upcoming … Continue reading

Fall 2022 – 2023 Training Update


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Updated: 8 Nov 2022 Calendar Showing Available Seats The most reliable place to see available class dates and seats for Wet Rocks classes is here. Feel free to email us to add a class as well! Update on upcoming Wet … Continue reading

Update & 2020-21 Fundamentals Classes


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COVID THINGS Wet Rocks Diving started back to in-person teaching at the beginning of Sept. See the blog post here. We’ve made many modifications to keep our students and instructors as safe as possible in these strange times. Safety is … Continue reading

2020 GUE Classes in USA


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We are a mere DAYS away from publishing our schedule for the rest of 2020, including the ever-popular 2020 Fundamentals Tour (Mid-Atlantic, Northest and Midwest), North and South Florida Fundamentals classes, and holiday-season Cave classes. If you haven’t yet reserved … Continue reading

Now Offering GUE Tech 1 Instruction


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Congratulations to Meredith Tanguay, GUE’s newest Tech 1 instructor in the US! Meredith “Mer” Tanguay is a recovering astrophysicist, originally from Boston, who began her diving off New England and in the Great Lakes, Mer is a full-time professional scuba … Continue reading

Norway’s Newest GUE Cave 1 Divers


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Congratulations to Nora and Johannes, of Team Happy Vikings, for successful completion of GUE Cave 1 in North Florida. This team of Norwegians had amazing weather, great conditions, a very productive class, and a full immersion in North Florida culture! … Continue reading

Tech 1 with Gid & Mer


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Coming this fall… Mer and Gideon are teaming up again, this time to offer a GUE Tech 1 class in South Florida, featuring graduation dives on some great wrecks off Ft Lauderdale. This class is scheduled after GUE’s 2017 Global Conference in … Continue reading

Free Presentation on GUE Equipment Configuration in Virginia


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GUE Instructor Meredith Tanguay will be giving a free presentation on the “Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) Equipment Configuration: What Features and Why.” The presentation is next Saturday, June 25th, 2016 in Rawlings, Virginia. Down Under Divers Club (DUDC) from Raleigh, … Continue reading

Cure for Wedding-cake-itis…


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The plethora of white decorations at Nahoch Na Chich are beautiful; but, sometimes you need some variety. Yesterday Cenote Naharon delivered. The Naranjal system is now considered part of the larger Sistema Sac Actun. Naharon offered us some great halocline experiences: … Continue reading