Wet Rocks Diving is now offering GUE Cave Diver Level 1 instruction with Meredith Tanguay, in either Florida or Mexico. Mer is based in both North Florida and Hawaii; she often travels to teach. To find out more about GUE’s … Continue reading
Category Archives: Caves
GUE’s Newest Cave 1 Divers

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Jeff and Vince, of Team Squirrel Tamer, successfully completed GUE’s Cave 1 course in North Florida over the weekend. Man, did these guys have a blast in the flow! 6 days, 16.5 hours underwater, 9 cavern, and 12 cave dives … Continue reading
So Blue!!

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A few surface pics from Friday at Peacock Springs in North Florida. These are uncorrected pics! So blue and pretty.
Cure for Wedding-cake-itis…

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The plethora of white decorations at Nahoch Na Chich are beautiful; but, sometimes you need some variety. Yesterday Cenote Naharon delivered. The Naranjal system is now considered part of the larger Sistema Sac Actun. Naharon offered us some great halocline experiences: … Continue reading
It’s Like Someone Went Insane While Frosting a Wedding Cake!

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Kevin and I visited it Nohoch Na Chich, part of Sistema Sac Actun, yesterday. Thousands and thousands of feet of low flow, white speleothem, highly-decorated cave…. at an average depth of 15ft. Hours and hours until you hit turn pressure!
Halocline and Bluewater Fun in Jailhouse

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Kevin and I jumped into this super-inviting cenote yesterday. Yay, zero vis fun. Cenote Jailhouse (AKA Muknal Remote Siphon) part of Sistema Naranjal. It soon clears up to neat formations in slightly tannic and relatively high-flow in the shallower freshwater … Continue reading
Rays of Light in Taj Mahal Cavern

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Getting in some fun cave dives between classes here in Mexico. Yesterday Kevin and I were treated to a great light show in the cavern of Taj Mahal, with light rays piercing the darkness and encouraging a few extra mins … Continue reading
Fun with Heloclines

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We’ve got a lot of blogging to catch up on from this summer. But for now, here’s some pics from yesterday’s dive in Mexico in Cenote Naharon in Sistema Naranjal, just south of Tulum. The section we spent a bunch of … Continue reading
Duckweed Happens
Little River Spring

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This past weekend got in some cave diving in Little River Spring, outside Branford, in North Florida. This was the place to be on Saturday, as the parking lot was half full of cave divers. Conditions report: river and water level … Continue reading
JB Dreamin’

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A couple of shots from the cavern at Jackson Blue. With great light and lots of fish, it’s one of my favorite caverns. Makes for much entertainment on deco. Where did your weekend dives take you? Leave a comment or … Continue reading
Zen Under Limestone

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After those long days in the office, you just need the right dive. No scooters, no stages, no cameras; just grab the backgas, a small bottle of 02, the reel, and go. Nothing epic, no new line, but taking the … Continue reading

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Conditions have been great in Florida recently! Check out this video and get a glimpse at some of what Florida cave diving has to offer. Indian Springs, a Florida gem, is featured in both the opening and closing sequences. Mer … Continue reading
Out Diving…

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We’ve been busy at Wet Rocks Diving and it’s been the “diving-busy” not the “blogging-busy.” But stay tuned for more wet rock content. Also getting a lot of requests for fall GUE classes and cave guiding, so speak up if … Continue reading
Sunshine and Sinkholes
All’s Not a “Lost Hope”

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Mer spent 3 days last weekend supporting the cave research and exploration team Woodville Karst Plain Project (WKPP) in North Florida with some cave exploration in a sink called Chip’s Hole, located a few miles from Wakulla Springs. We had … Continue reading
Springs along the Suwannee

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Before a dive last weekend, we checked out some springs on the Suwannee River near Luraville, in North Florida. Here’s some pics. 13 Jul 2014
Ahhh, those dulcet mooing sounds…

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Tara and I, as a subset of Team Slow, got a chance to dive Cow last weekend. This site is open only to NSS-CDS members; one must have Cave 2 or Full Cave to dive upstream. Cow Spring is just outside … Continue reading
Virgil Photobombs GUE Primer Class

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Mer taught a GUE Primer in North Florida the past few days. One of the sites we use, Blue Grotto, has a friendly hungry turtle, Virgil, who likes to photobomb the video camera. Nothing like some additional turtle task loading … Continue reading
Return to Wakulla

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Research returns to the Wakulla Springs in North Florida now that high water has subsided and good conditions return. Stay tuned for more updates. Post by Woodville Karst Plain Project – WKPP.